The average house price on FARM HILL SOUTH is £198,789
The most expensive house in the street is 12 FARM HILL SOUTH with an estimated value of £225,961
The cheapest house in the street is 2 FARM HILL SOUTH with an estimated value of £135,908
The house which was most recently sold was 2 FARM HILL SOUTH, this sold on 17 Feb 2023 for £135,000
The postcode for FARM HILL SOUTH is LS7 2QB
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
2 FARM HILL SOUTH Semi-Detached £135,908 £135,000 17 Feb 2023
10 FARM HILL SOUTH Semi-Detached £207,981 £59,000 16 Mar 2001
12 FARM HILL SOUTH Semi-Detached £225,961 £122,000 1 Jul 2005
20 FARM HILL SOUTH Semi-Detached , 83 m2 £225,308 £149,950 2 Dec 2014